发表于 2010-6-18 22:19:02
来自: INNA
澄清一下,5月17号新公布的SOL上面确实没有公布各职业的分数,但是在移民局的网站上有公布说这次SOL上面职业的削减,并不影响各职业在原来SOL上面所占的分值,在新的point test出台之前,将会沿用原来的分数,该是60分的专业仍然是60分,而且现在移民局也已经声明了,在7月1号新的point test将不会与其他政策一起出台,因此SOL上面的分数将不会改变,原文引用如下:
That additional information is as follows:
How many points would each new occupation on the list attract?
It is intended that the points awarded under the GSM Points Test to the occupations on the new list would reflect the allocation of points to occupations on the current SOL. The review of the SOL did not include a review of the points allocated to each occupation.
DIAC has confirmed with the MIA that this means that when the new SOL takes effect on 1 July 2010, IF there is not a new points test, then existing points will be attached to occupations on the new SOL when it comes into effect. Where there is no match DIAC will apply the same rationale as currently applies to the determination of occupation points.
[This rationale generally means that if an occupation has a specific professional body designated as its skills assessing authority (such as Accounting, or Computing Professional) it will have 60 points, and if there is no specific assessing body for that profession, it will be a 50 point occupation whose skills for migration purposes is Vetassess, and it will get 50 points.]
An indication that the new points test may not appear on 1 July 2010 can be found in the Hansard report of DIAC Assistant Secretary, Labor Markets, Peter Speldewinde’s statement to the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on 26 May 2010:
So the points that were allocated before will be allocated on the new list. The point I want to make to you so that we are not misleading you is that a formal review of the points test is occurring. There has been consultation and a discussion paper published about that, so it is part of the overall reform package. A review of the points test itself is occurring. But from 1 July effectively the old points test or the current points test will be replicated against the new SOL. I do not want to mislead you. We are actively considering the way the points test works—whether it is still meeting our needs and whether it requires an overhaul. There is a discussion paper and submissions from industry bodies and all that process is underway.