发表于 2010-7-19 13:28:57
来自: INNA
Software and Applications Programmers nec have not been included on the SOL.
-This occupation comprises software testers, and made up 5 per cent of the unit group’s employment at the 2006 Census.
-It is considered less skilled than the other occupations in this unit group, which are Analyst Programmers, Developer Programmers and Software Engineers.
-Only 56 per cent of 56 per cent of software testers had a bachelor degree or higher compared with an average of 73 per cent for the other three occupations.
充其量只是说Software and Applications Programmers nec这个组别(包含software testers),相对Analyst Programmers, Developer Programmers and Software Engineers而言,技术含量更低(less skilled)。不过这并不能推导出lz的论点。