
楼主 |
发表于 2010-9-16 23:53:01
来自: INNA
English, as one of designated international language becomes popular more and more since last century, and the heated argument behind the trend has been existing for several decades. Some people warm that uniformed international language will make it hard to identify countries and lose culture, but others persist in the importance introduced by single official language globally. Personally, I am more declined to the later one.
As relative statistics indicates, millions of dollars are spent on language translations. In order for smooth communications among those who have different languages, transformation to intermediate one becomes the ultimate barrier, and normally the third parties and agents are invited to eliminate that with huge pay. At the meanwhile, this decreases the effectiveness of the communication process. Moreover, misunderstandings, or even conflicts are produced when two peers are expressing their own comments using the the languages of themselves sometimes, thereby unexpected results make them feel puzzled. Last but not least, people is spending more time t to learn international languages like English than ever for self-expressing in front of foreigners. With uniformed international language, people need not spend time on obsolete ones, the money paid to the 3rd parties and agents is unnecessary, productive communication can be achieved obviously, and misunderstandings can be eliminated as well.
It is not denied that identifying countries becomes difficult, and culture loss with single international official language. The nature of each particular language is uniqueness. What is meant by this is that language is the one of the common symbols for those who have same language, and it should be identification to judge which country the language owner is from. That one language is different from another one, and the differentiated feature should be part of the national cultures.
In conclusion, the importance of adapting single international official language becomes obvious with rapid pace of globalization, and I believe uniformed language will be more beneficial to overall society, even it will introduce minor problems like culture loss.