发表于 2010-12-7 14:05:12
来自: INNA
既然是冲着 7+ 去的,我只能冲着这个水平 悄悄 观摩:
假设LZ属于这个分数段的高手,我便假设文章结构基本没问题,在此忽略不提(虽然我还是觉得段落结构不够紧凑,中心句提出不够直接。 结尾竟然出现一句成段)
建议LZ你要注意适当调整句子长度,以免语法错误 损失惨重。
a. “ successful in later life” 为了增加流畅感,建议 改成“successful in their later life””
b. "What is behind this phenomenon" 感觉很中文,而且缺谓语 , how about : What may contribute to this phenomenon?
c. “In my view, brilliant academic performance is but one of the several factors for a success life as listed below. ”
how about 更地道点: from my point of view / in my opinion (这个用法本身没错)
how about 更强调点 使用 is but only one of *** (这个用法本身没错)
a success life =〉(词性) one's success career
e. 第二段第一句: 感觉句子 失重。建议重新调整位置或者句式。还有:in the real world => in real world
f. curriculum transcripts fail to present =>curriculum transcripts are failed to present
g. a lesser man 通常指 moral 上 欠缺的人。 in later life 重复使用了。
as child psychologists has pointed out, “education is very often restraining one’s potentials”. 独立句子请句号分开。
总结: 注意使用句号。适当调整句式,让句子平衡, 紧凑度欠缺,有中文英语的影子。