
楼主 |
发表于 2011-2-1 11:27:44
来自: INNA
我刚刚给ACS语音信箱(+61 (0)2 9290 3422)留了信息:
Hello, This is XXXX, I am a client of the ACS.
I have already called a few minutes ago. But I am afraid I didn't make myself clear. So I called again.
My Reference No is 5XXXX. I have already applied for the ACS Skills Asssessment. But I found that I made a big mistake.
The nomination occupation is not my want. It is not suitable for me to apply for Skilled-Independent Immigration(Subclass is 175).
So I want to change the nomination occupation to Software Engineer(ANZSCO code is: 261313).
I have some questions to inquiry.
The first : can I use the following address to send my review documents:
Deputy Director
Australian Computer Society
Level 3, 160 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Because the Post is very slow. I want to send my documents as soon as possible by courier.
The second, I just change the ANZSCO code. My work experience remains no change.
What kind of additional documents should I provide to support my application?
Please tell me the confirmed answer at your earliest convenience.
My email is : [email protected]
or call me back.
Thank you very much.
如果地址有误的话, 我可以在到达澳洲之前告诉dhl, 把地址改回来。
要是还有额外的必须的其它文档的话, 我就立刻根据要求,看看能不能补料, 就是多花点大洋。
Additional document to support my application其实我已经写了一个, 说明了review的原因,并且说明我目前的状况
为何符合review的条件。 就是不知道行不行。