发表于 2010-7-31 11:21:10
来自: INNA
会计没有 4个 7 很难找到雇主担保。就算找到雇主担保,移民局也会要求雅思达到水平,以满足领取相关认证 licensing 的语言要求。
对于 IT 之类的无需 licensing, 申请工作签证 (比如 457) 可以免雅思成绩。可是其他职业认证对语言有要求的。。。
“Where the nominated occupation requires a higher level of English (equivalent to IELTS test score of more than 5 in each of the four test components) because it forms part of that occupation’s registration, licensing or membership requirement, the visa applicant must have at least the standard of English language proficiency required for the grant of that registration, licence or membership.”