
楼主 |
发表于 2011-3-31 13:46:51
来自: INNA
非常感谢 黯然销魂草莓冰 和 guangnian0412 的建议,下面是我看了 十天 之后的修改的结果,请大家帮忙 指正。
People are born with dreams, and also with the right of seeking happness.There are a million kinds of happiness that you can not seek your own one by following others' trace. However, exists some common factors that affect achieving happiness. In that essay, I will explore the the definition and factors of happiness.
Happiness may means different things to different people. Not only are the conditions different, but also various people have various experience.Taking watermelon for example, if you give it to a beggar, he will be so pleasant that he will feel great happiness. Then you give the same one to a cook, maybe it just means no more than a watermelon for him. However, if you give it to those who never meet or eat watermelon, they will find it tasty and feel great happiness just like the beggar.
Although people only can define their own happiness, there are some common factors that affect achieving happiness such as courage and choice. Courage is one of the most important ones. People are always told to be careful, be realistic, be aware of the limitations of being hunman, then they just give up without any try. If they were given more courage, they would have got a chance to successed and win thier own happiness.If Gandhi were realistic, he would not have freed India from the governing of UK. Choice is another significant factor. There is a saying:"Decided we become the kind of person, not our ability, but our choice.". This theory also applies to happiness. Only in the way of making right choice, can people feel greatly happy. When a man seeks something unsuitable for himself, even he gets it, then he will not feel happy. Both the process and result will be bitter.
In conclusion, different people have different opinions about happiness. Only in the way of great courage and right choice, can people achive their own happiness.