
楼主 |
发表于 2011-3-16 21:36:03
来自: INNA
多谢DANTE TX的指导,俺又来骚扰各位了 。我猜考场情况下,我估计只能得5分,不过还是希望不是如此,上帝保佑。
这文章太多"xxx be"结构了,有什么别的好办法呢?
Some people say that children should be disciplined in their early age, and punishment should be used. To some extent do you agree? What kind of punishment can be used by teachers and parents?
Whether or not children should be disciplined in their early age and punishment should be used is a contentious topic in many societies and maybe has been existing from the beginning of civilization. In my opinion, any corporal punishments ought not to be used at any time, but other punishments can be taken under some circumstances.
No matter when and what the societies are, there are always something that can allure children to deviate from what their parents want. In order to correct such misbehaviors and discipline children, many ways of penalties have been used, such as corporal punishments and non-corporal punishments. In many remote regions, corporal punishments, like beating, slapping and spanking, were considered the best way to discipline children. In fact, corporal punishments will not only hurt children’s physical body, but they will also leave a psychological shadow in children’s heart for ever.
However, some non-corporal punishments can be taken into account when punishments have to be used. Writing lines, perhaps which is the most effective way of punishment, can be used on children in school as it has not any serious consequences except taking children some time to do that. Other non-corporal punishment-on report, suspension, detention and verbal warning-also can be made as penalties on children. Nevertheless, all types of punishments are not supposed to be used on young children, say who are less than 6 years old, because they even do not know how to distinguish wrong from right.
In reality, of course, a second thought should be taken with caution before punishing as any punishments would probably be problematic in themselves more or less.