
楼主 |
发表于 2010-12-27 22:49:49
来自: INNA
今天真的是非常糟糕的一天,昨天夜班很忙,一宿没睡,今天早上还要开车把女儿接回家。回到家已经10点多了,查了下分数还没出来,和老婆一起照顾女儿到十二点,想睡一会还有作文等着我写呢,今天其它项目看来是没法子复习了。没想到一觉睡到五点,强迫自己起来写作文,现在刚吃完晚饭,晚上还有一个夜班要上,庆幸的是明天就可以休息了 。前面查了下成绩,overall 5.5 L6.5 R5 W4.5 S5.5 阅读的分数超出我的想象,填差格了还能对一半以上,作文的分数就可惜了,对我来说也是个教训——不到最后绝不轻言放弃,灌篮高手里的至理名言现在是领会得彻底了。口语是我所没想到的,因为我觉得发挥不错,所有题目都答出来了,也没有长时间的硬直时间,纠结啊,难道是传说中的压分?但好像没必要压我这个6吧。最可惜的是总分没到六,那对我来说就是不给后路了。
The fifth essay
Pressure on the school and university students is increasing and students are pushed to hard work when they are very young. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?
Currently, increasing school and university students are suffering large pressure from schooling and upbringing, thus they have to work hard to deal with their school days. Then, whether it is a positive development or not has been a topic of discussion.
"Don't let your children lose at the starting point", that has became a motto that claimed by the most of parents. They think children have to study and study on various areas until they become versatile for the sake of confronting the increasingly fierce competition in the future society. In terms of knowledge, maybe they are right, the strict education could afford the students well-rounded abilities. in particular basic education, the strong basis as a foundation allow students to adjust themselves rapidly to work, learning new skills and so forth. Additionally, indeed, To finish a vast numbers of classes and homeworks are quite painstaking. Whereas, students acquire not only knowledge but also a sense of responsibility and perseverance.
However, on the other hand, stringent education could cause the students to afflict gratuitous pressure at an early age. Childen are, by nature, undeveloped and innocent. Because of that, they have strong curiousity and imagination, whilst excessive pressure could mould them more knowing and their innocence would go extinct, then their strong creativity would be obsolete as well. If that really happen, our future would become a future without imagination. Furthermore, students who experienced too much more strict education, they would find neither attractive nor productive, thus they could never please to continue studying after they graduate.
All in all, students should receive sufficient education but teachers and parents should not excessively clamp down on them and relax them properly.