
楼主 |
发表于 2011-1-6 01:09:05
来自: INNA
The tenth essay
Some people argue that young people are spending too much time on watch TV, what do you think of it? And what kinds of activities should be encouraged to them?
Television programs have became youngsters' main entertainment in this day and age, then some people argue that they are spending overmuch time on this kind of diversion. In this essay, I will pose my own opiniont on this issue and propose some probable measures which should encouraged to them.
First and foremost, youngsters sit in front of the TV for long time would cause some health problems for them. In this sedentary lifestyle, youths would lack exercises for their physical development during the time what are the important ages for children's growth. As a result, they would be obesity or be easier to sicken. Likewise, watching TV perennially would impair juniors' vision, and there seems to be plenty of research findings to comfirm this. Furthermore, students pay excessive attention to TV would lead they cannot concentrate on their homeworks. However, juniors are also benefited from waching TV, television programs provide various contents from cuisine to current affairs, most of them are informative and entertaining. Those could expand yousters' outlook and impart knowledge which are youths cannot acquired from lecture halls. In terms of this, maybe we should allow youngsters to watch TV.
As a matter of fact, doing exercise, watching TV and doing homework are not mutually exclusive things. For the sake of improving juniors' physical qualities and avoiding optical disease, on condition that kids have finished their homeworks, parents should permit them watching TV and encourage them to do proper exercises like keep-fit and yoga when they have watched TV at most over an hour.
In summary, watching TV is not a bad thing for yousters, parents should properly arrange the priorities(watching TV, doing exercise and doing homework.) for their children.