
楼主 |
发表于 2011-8-28 11:01:19
来自: INNA
今天又一次郁闷发生,8月13日的G类成绩出来,6.5 / 6 / 5.5 / 6.5,还是作文分不够,之前老觉得是不是雅思中心卡分,现在看来真的是自己实力不够,迷惘中,已经不知从何下手了,现在狂背范文中。。本人接下来已连报九月两场,没办法,时间不多了,请大家狠狠批一下我的练习吧,谢谢先。。。
大作文:Some people think stricter punishment for driving offenders is the only effective way to improve safety on the roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Road sercurity has increasingly become a frequent discussed topic in both social and political areas. Measures are urgently required and some extremists claim that to regulate more rigorous penalties is the only way. But as far as I am concerned, the rigorous penalty is indeed a good cause, but not the only way.
So enormously has the traffic system benefited from more rigorous penalty, that I firmly believe it is a blessing rather than a curse. To begin with, rigorous penalty has a detering impact on would-be violators,making them recousider that if it is worth to break the traffic laws. For example, a driver who was speaking on the phone while driving on the road, was caught and charged $1000 and punished 2 months community service. I am sure he will never talk on free later. Therefore, it goes without saying that rigorous penalty, on certeain aspects, can effectively improve the road security.
Although this, there are many other measures can be adopted to improve the security level of roads.First of all , the impact of education makes me believe that it is cure-all solution.Therefore, it is essential to educate pedestrians and drivers to obey traffic laws and regulations to improve road safety at base of minimum government budget. Well-known is that improving the efficiency of police force is an another way to secure road safety, which is very neccessary to some drivers and pedestrians to do not realize the dangers of their behaviors.Finally, Increasing number of people believe that it is neccessary for governments to invest more money in road construction.
In conclusion, stricter punishment can be effectively improve road security, but it is not the only way. Other measures such as giving education to pedestrians and drivers, improving the police efficiency and invest more money in road construction, are effective steps to make contribution to road safety.