
楼主 |
发表于 2012-5-8 03:58:07
来自: INNA
从check list里面看, 是这样的:提交申请的时候起码要提供4 X 6 的成绩 但是以后可以补交更高的成绩, 在make decision的时候, 如果成绩不够分,会被拒而不等待更新成绩。
但是elodge的时候网页上的下面这段话又提到了28天的事情,貌似雅思可以在递交申请的28天之内再交而不会有任何问题? 即使elodge的时候不给成绩?
You have up until the time of decision to provide evidence that you have competent English. However, applicants should not delay in providing their evidence of English language ability. The department will not delay finalising applications where English language test results have not been provided at time of application. Applicants will have 28 days from the date of application to provide their English language results if they did not provide them at time of application. At this point in time, if evidence has not been provided the application may be refused.