发表于 2013-1-4 08:34:01
来自: INNA
There is a general debate about whether any children -- talented or not -- can be taught to achieve excellence in a particular area, for example, sport or music. In my point of view, only the person who is naturally talented could become top performers.
Talented people are more likely to be successful in the area they have advantages. Generally, talent means learning things quicker, and doing things better. Children with talents are more likely to get praised because of their quicker and better action, and praises can heighten interest which would stimulate them to be more concentrated and increase the possibility of being successful.(论证乏力)
In some specific domain, like music or sport, talent is an indispensable part of the success. The majority of the musicians showed their talents in music at their childhood, whereas the counterparts with less talent, even trained in the exact same way, had failed to be a top musician. It is also believed in some country that one should change direction if he/she doesn’t show his talent at his/her ten.(这句话不知道到想说明什么)
Some people held a view that any child could succeed in a certain field. They claimed that working hard together with well-designed study plans could educate people to be an expert, even they have no capabilities. It may be correct for some children, but not for all.(看起来是一个一边倒的观点,为什么这里要支持部分人可以成功,属于自相矛盾) Statistics tell that regardless of the lecture resources and education plans in most schools, there are always some children have failed to become a master. It is reasonable to some education experts say that this may be caused by lack of talent. (感觉还是论证不给力啊)
To summarize, mastery in specific fields could only be achieved by talented people. It is impossible for all children to be educated to become the professional in these fields. 结尾写的很绝对