
楼主 |
发表于 2011-12-7 15:32:22
来自: INNA
Some people think that good health is a basic human need, so medical service should be run by the government instead of profit-making companies. Do you think the disadvantages of private health care outweigh the advantages?
In contemporary society, good medical treatment is a fundamental demand of human beings. [Regarding places offering treatment,这样顺畅不少] There are two options for patients in most countries which are public hospital and private hospital. This essay will argue that the outstanding benefits of private health care are particularly worth mentioning comparing with its drawbacks. The reasons for my position are as follows.
Firstly, private hospitals tend to be more efficient and effective than public hospitals in patient treatment mechanism. Most patients are appointed to and then followed up by the same private doctor at [all->most] times who would gain sound understandings of their illness condition. Some private hospitals also afford special service of treating people at home, which would be particularly beneficial to elderly and disabled people. The sick in private hospitals, as a result, [would probably->can,这里would用的太多了,可以用can,could等等替换] receive the most immediate and appropriate health treatments. In contrast, unlike in private hospitals, there are far more patients in public hospitals because of their free or low cost. Consequently, the sick persons there are likely to suffer more [by->because of] a long time waiting.[这一段这么长只写了1到2个优点,如果题目要你论述private service和public service那个更efficient,更effective,那么你这个主体段是很好的,那么下一个主体段就可以写public service在那些方面做得不好,所以不够efficient,不够effective。但是,题目的要求却不是这样的,而是要你直接比较private service本身的优缺点,因而主题句过于狭窄了。换句话说,你这个主体段的主题句定的不好,所以你才需要下面那个主体段继续论述private service的好处。这也就导致了篇幅过长的问题。其实这个把简单的事情弄复杂了。你把这两段的主要内容合并,重写一个主题句,然后从新组织一个主体段,主要论述private service的优点就好了]
Further and more importantly, people under private health care seem to be entitled to receive better treatments, both in medical facilities and professional doctors. It mainly attributes to the fact that private medical organizations are mostly profit-making companies. To attract more clients, they have to allocate more money than non-profit hospitals to purchase advanced medical [equipments,只有单数形式吧?] and to employ excellent experts. In all likelihood, it is in this way that the sick could get more recovery chances.
Admittedly, private heath care is generally costly, especially to the impoverished and the unemployed, but its competitive and supplementary positions cannot be neglected,还是布局谋篇的问题,你的观点里认为private servie优点比缺点多,那么前面论述了优点多,列举了和说明了各种好处,那么这里就应该是让步段了,你应该直接列举并说明private service的缺点(不要太多就行了)。不要怕,你就直接列吧,不需要说这些缺点无所谓,好解决。这个你不需要担心,也不需要论述。这一段你就列几个缺点,完了。简单明了。最后在最后一段就直接得出你的结论吧。. The potential threatens of private hospitals could probably avoid monopoly on medical care and impel public hospitals continuously to improve their services. Besides, to release pressures of increasing medical demands and tight government budget these days, private health organizations are also well-advised to offer chargeable services to those who can afford them.
In conclusion, private organizations deserve recommendation in terms of efficiency, facilities and even technology. Private and public health care are also not mutually exclusive and both of them should be involved in national medical system,有些许离题了,因为你前文并没有论述到这点. [结尾段写的比较乱,你看我上次给你的建议吧。那是很正宗的写法,也比较不容易出错]
(不过不要灰心啊,好的地方很多,表扬的话我就不罗嗦了 )