
楼主 |
发表于 2011-12-1 14:35:21
来自: INNA
题目:Some people believe the elderly said that life is better in the past. Do you agree or disagree?
In the half past century, the world has changed at a staggering rate. Therefore some elderly cannot adapt to the world which is quite different from their familiar one, and they say that life in the past is much better than life in current society. [, delete] Although [Although..but, because/since...so 不能成对出现] I admit that there are some disadvantages in modern world, but [,罗嗦了,建议删掉] I believe the modern society has more advantages than drawbacks.
First and foremost, the [->advances] in technology and science have brought [,带情感色彩了,delete] ->significant changes to our life. [For example,] The new technologies boost our efficiency and productivity, and thus there are loads of new products that are made to satisfy people in various fields, such as washing machines, air conditioners, airplanes, [all->different] kinds of [new] food, etc. [By constrast,] People in the past [cannot->could not,时态错] [live a better life,这个太泛泛而谈了,没有说服力] when they were tired down by housework [你是不是想说以前没有电冰箱,洗衣机,空调,洗碗机之类的产品,所以他们没有足够的时间来放松和恢复自己呢?现在这么写是没法表达这个意思。逻辑上来说应该是和前半段做对比了,但是前后两个半段的关系却不紧密,显得比较乱]. and->They also had few choices of food or->and transports. 【总之,从这个段落的topic sentence来看,这段主要应该分析科学技术发展带来的好处,那么你直接论述好处好了,可以从生活的几个重要的方面列举并说明几个好处就OK了;如果你同时也要对比以前的生活,那么topic sentence是不太合适,虽然这么似乎也是OK,但是为了这个段落更加严谨和紧凑,建议最好能改进一下。此外,你的比较和对比也做得不好,前后不太搭。所以,一定要注意topic sentence的controlling idea,是什么就是什么,这个段落每一句都应该服务于这个controlling idea,比如说科学技术带来了好处,那就只论述好处;比如说科学技术技术解决了以前存在的问题,带来了好处,那么就论述有哪些问题,通过什么技术解决了(感觉你的写法更倾向于这个方向)。这个controlling idea的要点看来你还没有领悟得很好很透彻,从而造成了论述逻辑上的混乱、不严谨。】
Furthermore, ,一样的问题,controlling idea:far more information 其实无法概括你这整个段落的阐述,其实这段还是论述科学技术的好处,你该怎么与上一段做好区分呢?你真的需要分成2个段落来写么?理由是什么?. In the past, when a letter or a travel took for a few months, people really knew little about the whole world and most of them had to live in a small village for an entire life. In contrast, nowadays, people can easily travel to any countries in the world by air and chat with a friend by phone despite of the distance [这样句子就只有6分或5.5分的水平了,因为travel和chat via phones属于two different supporting points,从不同方面和角度来体现了科学技术带来的好处,你需要通过不同的句子具体的写出来这样的好处是什么]; they can [not only] [->access to,词汇的使用不够地道,体现了用词水平不高,也就是词汇的基本功不到位] [a] large amount of news and know->这个词很逊,可以用experience,appreciate等 different culture through TV programs, [->but also] take an open ,重复了 and search information on the Internet. Thus, people who enjoy ,语病 would never,不够客观或过度推理 like to go back to the past days without so much knowledge and information. [最后一句还不如不说了,和本段的论述关系不大]
On the other hand, some serious problems are linked to the development of current society. To begin with, many people have been tired down by the competition and the fast pace of life, so they ,慎用 feel depressed and tense in life. What is more, the high crime rate in the [city->cities] has [lead->led,语法错] to a sense of insecurity and the [bad,delete,罗嗦了] pollutions in many areas have badly influenced people’s health. [ 一样的问题,这句话并不服务于主题句的controlling idea] [ 还是一样的问题,这句话并不服务于主题句的controlling idea] 【最后这两句话可以换成其它服务于controlling idea的句子或直接删掉,至于最后的结论,你可以直接给出,不需要这两句话的。因为前面有两个主体段(假设)你都已经论述了科学技术带来了巨大的好处并深刻改变了我们的生活,那么尽管存在一点点的问题,是不影响你得到最后的结论的。从而也就成功反驳了题目的观点。】
To sum up, I disagree with the opinion that people in the past live a better life. I think the advancing technology has brought more positive changes to the world. So, people in the future would always have a higher level of life conditions as we have than the past.
总的来说,你的问题主要是论证技巧不熟练,controlling idea的定义及其作用似懂非懂,有的地方用词比较低级(这个是基本功问题了),低级语法错有一些(不够细致严谨)。不过文章的模样已经有了,所以你根据我提到的问题,逐个击破,提高起来应该会很快的。