
楼主 |
发表于 2011-12-3 07:59:48
来自: INNA
[Promotion of employees in a company is a significant issue.] Whether the company should promote the people who have served for
a long time or recruit new employees for senior managers, is [always,delete] a
[hot->debatable] topic. Some firms [just->prefer to] give the promotion to their own employees.
I think this offers a wide variety of benefits as discussed below.
[缺主题句,格调立马降了下来;如果你认为下面的第一句是主题句,那么是不合格的主题句] Firstly, these kinds of people,这个不如直接写current employees之类的 are more familiar with the company’s
status than individuals hired from other companies. Specifically, they
know in detail, how the organization is run, what the specific processes
are, as well as the advantages and the drawbacks of their own products.
Therefore, they can quickly get accustomed to the new roles and
complete assignments as quickly as possible [如果换成写more efficiently and effectively是不是更好]. By contrast, people newly
recruited from others [always->usually,often,tend to] spend much more time to [try to] understand every
aspect of the company, which definitely,同样的问题,过于肯定 decreases the speed of response
to customers’ needs. Besides, employees who have stayed in the company
for many years usually have built up the good relationship with other
people. That means, it is [very,delete]easy for them to get the cooperation
and support from other teams. As experienced employees, these kinds of
people prove to be precious treasure of the company.
However, there are obvious shortcomings for them. They may not be
innovative or creative since they tend to prefer keeping the current
pace and maintaining the existing structure. Sometimes, in order to
maintain the relationship with other teams, they probably abandon
aggressive actions. [But overall, the company needs stable management layers to support all of their strategies and development plans since they are the backbone of the company.与主题句不相干,但是也是很有意思的一个点an interesting point,存在着布局谋篇的问题]
To sum up, I believe, [the] advantages [it?指代后面的动名词引领的插入语么?比较拗口,华而不实] created greatly outweigh the disadvantages, promoting employees who have [stayed in->served] the company for a long time [.-> because,这里存在明显的因果关系,却缺少linking words,十分可惜] Their rich experiences and healthy human relationship with other employees, can [help the company expand businesses, even if they may not encourage innovation,这后半句是不合适的,前文并没有论述这点,写conclusion的一忌].
总的来说,基本功很好,布局谋篇和行文逻辑却比较粗糙,一些用词(如语气过于肯定)和一些句式的使用也比较随意,不够严谨。我猜得分6.5是上限了。如果你有兴趣,这个帖子的module 3和module 5(立马就要推出了),还有后面的module 6是最适合你的。好好加以揣摩,7分到7.5分不是问题。(小声说一句:咱俩的词汇和语法基本功不分伯仲,你所缺乏的是布局谋篇和行文逻辑的技巧。)
此外,推荐你看看茉莉姐的精华帖子,里面提到了雅思作文的‘八股’的一面,所以当你看module 3, 5, 6的时候,千万不能鄙视里面的东西,‘八股’既然存在了,就自然有它的合理性。
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