忘了补充下,我是在学生签证过期前lodge的489,所以489申请后,移民局给了我个bridging A. 4月初递交190后,移民局又给我个过桥签C,但是下面补充了一句话,This bridging visa is not in effect because your Bridging A visa is currently in effect.
This bridging visa allows you to remain lawfully in Australia until 28 calendar days after you are notified of a decision on your application for a Skilled Nominated (Permanent) (class SN) Skilled - Nominated (subclass 190) visa.
还有就是移民局给我的信是说489和190两个申请都是有效申请,就是类似这么一句话“Acknowledgement of valid application for a Skilled Nominated (Permanent) (class SN) Skilled - Nominated (subclass 190) visa”。