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Dates: 04/11 - 09/11 (0 yrs 5mths)
Position: xxxxxxxx
Employer: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Country: China
Dates: 10/11 - 04/12 (0 yrs 6mths)
Position: xxxxxxxxx
Employer: xxxxxxxxxx
Country: China
As you can see the date of both two:
Dates: 04/11 - 09/11 (0 yrs 5mths)
Dates: 10/11 - 04/12 (0 yrs 6mths)
From my point of view:
1. 04/11 - 09/11 which contains April,May,June,July, August and September. Therefore, there are 6 months instead of 5 months.
2. 10/11 - 04/12 which contains October,November,December,January, February,March and April. Hence, there are 7 months instead of 6 months.
The correct one should be:
Dates: 04/11 - 09/11 (0 yrs 6mths)
Dates: 10/11 - 04/12 (0 yrs 7mths)
我没错吧? 这少两个月直接就不满足过去2年工作满1年的要求了, 无言以对了, 这肿么办!??