
楼主 |
发表于 2008-2-5 18:18:31
来自: INNA
Curriculum Vitae 个人简历
I graduated from Far Eastern State Academy of Railways, Khabarovsk, Russia, in June 1996. I took a complete course of studies in “Handling and Transport, Construction and Road-Building Machines and Equipment” and had been qualified as a “Mechanical Engineer”. I passed most of the subjects with the mark “Excellent” and was granted the Diploma Cum Laude. Having studied in the Academy for 5 years, I obtained wide range of knowledge in traditional engineering area – equipment construction with solid academic background in mathematics, physics, chemistry, theoretical mechanics, metal technology, strength of materials, metrology and all disciplines, necessary for machine designing. My Diploma project was Design Version of Portal Crane for Repairing Enterprises.
From August 1996 I started my employment history in Far Eastern State Academy of Railways, Khabarovsk, Russia. Academy location is 47, Seryshev Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, zip code 680000, phone +7 4212 355010. I worked in this academy on the position of teacher-trainer at the Department of “Construction Materials”, since August 1996 till May 1997, a bit less than 1 year.
All this time, my job was not very close to my qualification. I attended the lessons that my instructor held. I held a couple of practical seminars and workshops by myself, but my main task was to prepare for “independent” work. In other words, it was not a practical work “in field”, but a preparation for the future work.
This was quite an interesting job, but, unfortunately, financing of academic Institutes, like mine, was very poor and I decided to search for more challenging and better-paid job.
In April 1997 I came to know about the position of Sales Engineer in the representative office of Australian Company. The basic requirements were that the candidates must have degree of Mechanical Engineer and fluency in English. There were more than 5 candidates to this position, but finally I was selected to do this job.
I started my work in VooDoo People International Ltd. representative office on the position of Sales Engineer in May 1997. Company address is 4, Somewhere Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, zip code 680000, phone/fax +7 4212 xxx xxx. E-mail address is [email protected]
My basic duties at that time were the following: visiting clients, collecting technical data, making variety of technical calculations, plotting curves and diagrams, selecting equipment, preparation of quotations and technical documentation for the company customers.
Since 1999, when the Head of the representative office moved to Australia, I was appointed to the position of Senior Sales Engineer. On this position I was responsible for overall office performance, including sales and profit growth.
My job and duties at the current position described in details in the attached Duty Statement and Career Episodes 1-3. Below I’d like to mention four main components or principles, which I follow:
•Business principle is all efforts concentration with the focus on customer’s satisfaction and securing profitability via efficient use of resources
•By human component I mean recognising the individual employee as one of the most important assets in the company. The purpose is to get benefit from the total competence and capacity of the employers.
•Organisational principle. It is about building project team and coordinating of responsibilities in the projects – “Who is doing what”.
•Single Flow principle. It means integrating of all project efforts to reach project goals and successfully conclude the project - “What should be done and when it should be done”.
再加上一个工作期间的继续充电报告 Continuing Professional Development,展示出作为一名训练有素的Engineer,你在工作实践过程中不断积累经验,虚心和同行交流,通过各种途径提高专业技能和素质。内容可以是学术交流研讨会、公司内部和公司以外机构提供的各种培训、你自己报名参加的培训(英语培训也算的,这个是非英语国家工程师的语言要求,否则干嘛4个6?)、网络免费课堂。。。。。