发表于 2012-8-22 07:41:52
来自: INNA
我觉得这里有个理解的误区,并不是说ACS的评估一定要8年同一个职业,DIAC的要求是过去10年中8年相关,有谁8年做同一个职业?象IT的很正常的情况是先是普通的工程师,后来做team leader,再后面可以是系统工程师,或者是什么经理了。 所以我觉得最理想的是ACS就有8年同一个职业的,实在不行,只要是相关的,经历不作假也没问题。
18 Closely related occupations
Applicants can claim points for skilled employment if that employment is in their nominated or closely related occupation and the employment occurred in the last ten years immediately before they apply for their GSM visa.
Under policy, closely related occupations are those occupations that fall within one unit group classified under Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). Under ANZSCO, occupations are grouped together to form 'unit groups'. Generally, all unit groups are at one skill level. Skill level is defined as a function of the range and complexity of the set of tasks performed in a particular occupation and is generally measured by the level or amount of formal education and training, previous experience in a related occupation or on the job training. For example, if an applicant’s nominated occupation is Accountant (General) and the applicant has provided evidence of skilled employment in the occupations of Management Accountant (221112) and Taxation Accountant (221113), case officers must consider these periods of employment as closely related for the purpose of awarding points.
For the purpose of awarding points, an applicant’s skilled employment can be in the nominated occupation or any closely related skilled occupation and is not limited to an occupation on the SOL. As the points test recognises extensive skilled employment as an important attribute for achieving good labour market outcomes the policy intention is to ensure an applicant is not disadvantaged by limiting skilled employment to an occupation on SOL and annual SOL changes.
19 Closely related occupations - Where occupations have evolved or careers have advanced over the 10 year period
Under the points test, an applicant can claim points for up to ten years of skilled employment. While skilled employment within the 10 years may primarily involve work in the applicant's nominated skilled occupation, it is also policy intention to award points to applicants where their career has advanced or the occupation has evolved over a period of 10 years. In these cases all claimed employment to be awarded points will need to be related to the applicant's nominated occupation, and at the relevant skill level of the applicant's nominated occupation.
Career advancement would usually take the form of promotion to a senior role or higher level that relates to their field of expertise and incorporates greater responsibility. For example it is possible that over a 10 year period an accountant or engineer would advance in their career to a chief accountant or chief engineer or a chief executive officer. This type of career advancement may occur outside of the 4 digit ANZSCO unit group but can be considered to be closely related where it follows a well-established path for career advancement.
Case officers are to also take into consideration that in the last ten years a number of occupations have become more specialised and evolved significantly in terms of technical advancement and the nature of tasks. Examples include specialisations in Multimedia and Web design which are reflected in ANZSCO (2006 edition) but do not appear in ASCO (1997 edition). In these circumstances, where previous employment was undertaken at a skilled level commensurate with and related to the nominated occupation, case officers can consider this employment as closely related skilled employment.
In these situations case officers are to use their discretion in awarding points. The onus is on the applicant to demonstrate their claims of skilled employment to the case officers for the purpose of claiming points. The applicants are advised to provide all relevant documents that they submit to the relevant assessing authority to the department.