发表于 2012-10-27 23:22:03
来自: INNA
2、2011-07 到 2012-08月的软件工程师的工作经历也被ACS承认了。
If your partner is included in your application you may be awarded points if at time of invitation, he or she:
• is able to satisfy ‘basic requirements’ including age, English language ability and nominated occupation; and
• has obtained a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for their nominated occupation.
Points are only available if your partner is included in your application as an applicant.
Points are not available if your partner is an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
关于职业评估的要求是:“has obtained a suitable skills assessment”
Evidence to support your application
1. Obtain evidence that your partner satisfies the basic requirements:
• a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for your partner’s nominated occupation (see ‘Self-assessment’ on page 18);
• evidence of age (see ‘points for Age’ on page 19); and
• evidence of English language ability (see page 20).
2. Your partner should provide a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority
at the time of invitation.
需要提交的证据:“a suitable skills assessment”。
两段话里,数次提到“a suitable skills assessment”,但是什么叫做“a suitable skills assessment”,却没有明确的定义。我也不知道LZ这样的结果算不算了!