
楼主 |
发表于 2012-9-27 05:38:17
来自: INNA
十一长假最后一天! 收到VET 寄来的结果! Positive!
可是有点不解,Duration of Employment 到底评了我多少年啊?
Based on the evidence provided, more than three years of employment is assessed as highly relevant to the nominated occupation and completed at an appropriate skill level in the five years before the date of applying for this Skills Assessment.
Employment assessed: 只写了我现在在做的这份工作,这份工作11月到5年,我前一份工作做了2年,他没有写上去,难道没有算进去吗? 我工作经验应该是7年了。
大家参谋一下? 谢谢!!