发表于 2013-9-9 19:54:36
来自: INNA
楼主,后来VET的一位Assessment officer回复了我的咨询,copy如下:
Please note that for the skill assessment letter, only the minimum education/employment requirements are needed for assessment. In this case, the minimum requirements for employment was at least one year highly relevant employment completed within the duration of the last 5 years. Employment undertaken outside the duration of the last 5 years cannot be considered for skills assessment purposes.
The skills assessment letter is not advice pertaining to the comparability of qualifications or duration of employment – only that the minimum requirements have been met.
If you wish to obtain points for the level of your qualification and/or employment duration you may wish to apply for Points Test Advisory.
For Points Test Advice, all employment positions completed with the last 10 years can be considered.
所以我补申请了points test advisory,等了快一个月了还没结果呢。照他上面的解释,是不是说VET只评5年的经验?所以我纳闷有没有其他人的VET是评了8年或以上的。