发表于 2013-11-26 23:41:39
来自: INNA
楼主,vet要求个人简历的competencies不能简单罗列,而要举例说明(原文是this may also expand on the detailed tasks in your application form, these competencies should be verifiable from your references and employment,并举了个例子说instead of just"sales", this could state what your actual results were with sales, "increased sales of x product by 30% in my region by using online marketing campaign")
但我觉得一举例说明,那就和5 main tasks里的内容重复了啊?我理解个人简历里对competencies的举例是写成“在XX项目中使用了XX技能,取得了XX成果”,那我在推荐信的5 main tasks里面也是介绍自己做了XX项目,用了XX方法或技能,达到了XX效果。我不明白这两者有啥区别啊。。。