Acceptable Document Formats
All uploaded documents need to be colour scans of certified copies of the original documents. Only the passport-sized photo, the applicant declaration and evidence of paid employment can be accepted as colour scans of original documents.
If a document has multiple files (for example a passport with multiple pages and each page is saved as a separate file), please try to merge these into one file before uploading, as you might exceed the document limit otherwise. If you do upload multiple files for one document, those files must be attached together in sequence.
After attaching all documents, you must press the “Submit All Documents to VETASSESS” button to complete the submission process.
VETASSESS is not able to accept files that have been compressed. A compressed file is a container for documents, programs or other files that have been packaged together and reduced in size.
When naming your files to be uploaded to VETASSESS, only use numbers 0 – 9 and letters A – Z (upper and lower case), dashes ‘-‘ and underscores ‘_’.
You must avoid using spaces ‘ ‘, periods ‘.’, ampersand ‘&’, hash ‘#’, star ‘*’, exclamation marks ‘!’, quotations ‘” “’ and any other character that is not a letter, a number, a dash or an underscore.
You can upload up to 50 documents.
The maximum size of a file must not exceed 2 MB