SRGO 5月29日结束。只给我认证了本科和工作高度相关,博士丢一边没给我音儿。现在问题来了:SRG34表上有一段话
VETASSESS will assess the highest
qualification unless the applicant requests
another qualification to be assessed for
points test purposes. The assessment will
determine the general educational level of
the qualification in terms of a qualification
level on the Australian Qualification
Framework. An assessment of the relevance
of the major area of study to the nominated
occupation is not required.
今天写信给officer,前言不搭后语就是不回答我的话,还让我去做qualification Point test。我找了半天也只有一个PTA,哪里来QPT啊。另外该officer还说我没交认证博士的钱。求解,认证博士的钱是指CQV的,还是SRGO要交一份本科的和一份博士的钱啊?万分感谢!