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我問了我之前的公司,hr不給直接開工作經驗證明。 我想自己按照ACS的模板準備一份,帶duties的,然後找以前的同事簽字。這裡我想問,這個文件都有什麽要求, 需要公司蓋章嗎?還有之後要拿到什麽地方去認證?
ACS 原文是這麽說的,那‘"Sworn Before" or "Signed
Before" or "Witnessed Before" ‘這個怎麽寫呢? 請有經驗的人分享您寶貴的經驗,叩謝了。
In additional to the above each Statutory Declaration must contain:
All Statutory Declarations or Affidavits must clearly state that the document was "Sworn Before" or "Signed
Before" or "Witnessed Before" the authorised witness by the referee and signed by the authorised witness, along
with the date and place in which the declaration was witnessed.
The Statutory Declaration or Affidavit must be written by a third party work colleague and NOT written by you,
the applicant.
A Statutory Declaration or Affidavit written by a work colleague needs to describe the working relationship with
you and details of your duties performed with relevant dates of employment. It is preferable that the work
colleague writing the declaration be at a supervisory level.
All third party Statutory Declarations or Affidavits must include only one of the following:
•Certified copy of Payslips – preferably first & last payslip
•Certified copy of Human Resource statement or Service Certificate
•Certified copy of Termination Letter with corresponding dates