
楼主 |
发表于 2012-11-5 20:27:53
来自: INNA
Translation of Documents
All documents that are not written in English must be translated and certified. A certified copy of the translated document and the primary foreign document is required.
Applications Submitted Within Australia
Acceptable translations may be obtained from translators accredited with the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters NAATI.
Applications Submitted Outside Australia
Acceptable translations can be obtained from:
A Ministry of Justice or equivalent in the country where the qualification was obtained.
The Australian Education International Section (AEIS) at an Australian Diplomatic Mission.
Australian High Commission, Consulate or Embassy.
Private and Commercial Translators.
The Awarding Institution.
Overseas Translations
Overseas translations must be completed on the letterhead of the organization and include an official stamp with the translator’s name, signature and contact telephone number printed legibly.