我的《Skills Assessment Guidelines for Applicants》是4月下旬下的,是版本V12
现在再上去下就是版本Paperless V2了
Documents are required to be certified copies of original documentation.
Only PDF files will be accepted for uploading documents.
Preparing Documents –
Gather and organise all required documents to be assessed
Create copies of all original documents - (Example: Degree Certificate or Work Reference)
Have all copies certified by an authorised person - (Certified copy)
Scan & Save certified copies in a PDF file format
Upload PDF files of certified copies via the Online Application Form
由此可以推断之前浦东黄浦的反馈并非空穴来风,卢湾公证处应该是打擦边球,不管怎么说,这都是给我们方便,又给他们带来收益的好事。而且这主要是因为中国的公证业务太落后,没和世界接轨。Scott的回复的邮件里提到这些文件可以certified by a public notary or Justice of the Peace , Justice of the Peace 我不知道是什么玩意儿,维基百科了一下,叫“太平绅士”,香港就有,如果国内也有的话这类的小事就方便很多了