1. 平均房价在Qld排名No.1022. 更多房价排名... |
2. 平均租金在Qld排名No.858. 更多租金排名... |
3. 本区有优秀中小学St Peters Lutheran College - Springfield, The Springfield College, Westside Christian College. 更多优秀学校... |
4. Many houses in this suburb are Purchasing(34%). |
5. 来自越南(3%)的人喜欢居住在本区. |
6. 来自荷兰(1%)的人喜欢居住在本区. |
7. The percentage of age 5 to 19 people(26%) is high. |
8. 来自英国(8%)的人喜欢居住在本区. |
9. 来自新西兰(6%)的人喜欢居住在本区. |
10. The percentage of age 0 to 4 people(9%) is high. |
11. There are more Separate house(88%) in this suburb. |
12. Many houses in this suburb are Rented(33%). |