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在CCL考试中,大部分同学们最棘手也是最不愿意碰到的话题就是医疗类话题。 在最近的一次CCL考试中甚至出现了太平间和药物滥用的话题... 医疗类话题往往生词多,情景陌生,专业性极强著称。 不事先做好准备,难以在考场上依靠临时发挥取分。 拿到我们CCL单词表的同学,打开医疗类的时候往往就傻眼了.... 这么多生词,还有这么多类似词,从何下手? 要在短短几个月的时间里掌握这么多情景和词汇简直就是不可能的任务! 笔果教育为大家带来:
- 1 - Antibody 抗体 VS Antibiotic 抗生素
- When our immune system detects any virus such as Polio or Herpes, it creates specific antibodies.
- Antibiotics are commonly used to treat bacterial infection.
- 2 - Parasite 寄生虫 VS Paralysis 瘫痪
- To avoid catching any parasite from food sources, you will need to wash your hands thoroughly before eating.
- Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in part of your body.
- 3 - Treat 治疗 VS Cure 治愈
- Hypertension is treatable but not curable.
- Infection is curable.
- 4 - Drowsy 昏昏欲睡的 VS Dizzy 头晕
- A common side effect of most painkillers is drowsiness, which affects your ability to drive, so it is better to check with your doctor first.
- When my blood pressure drops too low, I would feel so dizzy that I can barely stand up still.
- 5 - Seasick 晕船 VS Motion sickness 晕动病
- It is wise to bring some medicines with you to the ferry in case you are seasick.
- Some tablets are very effective to treat motion sicknesses.
- 6 - Hereditary 遗传的 VS Dietary 膳食的
- Do you have any hereditary disease that runs in your family?
- Some of these medicines will have dietary precautions.
- 7 - Infection 感染 VS Inflammation 发炎
- Bad infection needs urgent treatment with antibiotics.
- When you notice your wound becomes pussy and inflamed, you are having an infection.
- 8 - Symptom 症状 VS Sympathy 同情心
- The common cold and flu symptoms include a headache, running nose and fatigue.
- Health professional needs to show sympathy to their patients.
- 9 -
Impaired 有障碍的 VS Defective 有缺陷的
- I am calling from a call center services for hearing impaired people.
- Babies born to moms who smoke are more likely to have certain birth defectscompared to infants with mothers who don't smoke during pregnancy.
- 10 - Lump 肿块 VS Tumor 肿瘤
- Some cancer was noticed by patients from a simple lump on their skin.
- Later on, the doctor find out the lump he had was actually a tumor.