Treasure the love you receive above all.
It will survive long after your good health has vanished.
- Og Mandino
Health services are an essential part of any community and are provided through a range of specialists, professionals, institutions, services and agencies. As such, health interpreting accounts for a big share of the overall demand for interpreting services.
1. basic medical procedures 基本手术名称
2. common health conditions 常见病
3. human anatomy 人体学
4. common medical terminology 常见医疗术语
5. concepts for accurate comprehension 精准的概念理解
6. accurate symptoms description 准确的症状描述
7. knowledge of different institutional and organizational arrangements 对不同医疗机构的理解
E.x. 1 mental health
-Understanding a patient’s feeling
-Expressing common terms and conditions in both languages
-diagnosis and treatment partly relies on accurate interpreting of the symptoms
E.x. 2 health care systems
-different categorizations of hospital departments
-different job descriptions for hospital staff
-different healthcare insurance
-welfare arrangements
In most health interpreting settings, the flow of information is usually from a professional to a non-English speaking consumer or patient.
In some other settings, however, the flow of information may be mainly from the patient to the medical professional.