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让你的Event充满惊喜!9D 虚拟现实设备出租服务 -$600 1 天起,费用,人工全包!
百闻不如一见! 让我们VR设备可以为你的Event 和Party带来满满的惊喜。VR 9D 椅子带你进入神奇,奇妙的空间,经历宛如身历其境般的难忘历程。无限畅玩50多个适合不同年纪的朋友们的VRPrograms。 看看一下我们客人的真实反馈就知道我们的设备和服务是否一流了。 客人1 :KnoxCity Council
Thanks so much Derek. What A hit these machineswere! The assistant/facilitator you put on over the weekend was absolutelybrilliant by the way – we loved her.
Jeremy Angerson | knox Festival and Events Officer 客人2- Willimastown Event
Hi Derek, I am happy that everything workedout for you at the festival. We are pleased to have you and will definitelytouch base when we are having future events. Zare /Williamstown Musical Festival Organizor 客人3 – Hallam Churchfestival
I'm sure the board will greatly appreciate seeingthe success. Also thank you for your generous and kind offer. We run 2community festivals a year (May and November) and will definitely keep doingbusiness with you. Once the date of the May festival is confirmed, I will emailyou to book us in. Marina/ Event Organizer 客人4-墨尔本中国商会
孩子们即使排着这么长的队,也要体检你们的VR Experience。真的太棒了! -墨尔本中国商会 设备出租价格 Normal Price 1machine/per day- $1000 / 2machines/per day -$1200 / 3 machines/per day-$1600 SpecialPromotional Rate: (until 30th APR 2019): 1 machine/per day- $600 / 2 machines/perday- $800 / 3 machines/per day- $1200 More discount applied if booking more days or chairs Note: The prices include GST,Delivery, Installation and Operation by our staff, return of machines 如有兴趣请联系 LymanYang 先生。
LymanYang Director&Founder Futurev Pty Ltd Suite 2, Level 1, 99 William Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 M +61 401 166 986 T +61 3 8524 1110