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人寿保险能减轻或免除由于经济或人身危险所造成的经济负担。保险在保证我们财产安全的同时,也保障我们家庭的经济稳定。这代表了经济独立,在需要的时候大大减轻我们对家庭成员或朋友的经济依赖。以下是现行的四种主流人寿保险及其好处: 1. 死亡险 当被诊断出绝症或不幸身亡时,该保险能减少我们家庭所需承担的高额医疗费用。受益人将获得一笔一次性的大额赔付,以抵付其经济需求,比如葬礼费用、债务或日常费用等。同时,这笔赔付也可以作为代替收入帮助受益人维持正常家庭生活、支付育儿或其他家务费用。
2. 伤残险 如果因重大事故或疾病被诊断为丧失全部的劳动能力,我们将获得一笔一次性赔偿,以用于维持正常生活、支付医护费用、康复费用或债务等。
3. 重疾险 若被诊断患有重大疾病(如癌症、中风或心脏病等),我们将获得一次性的免税理赔。该理赔款可用于支付医疗费用、康复费用,或维持家庭生活支出。
4. 收入险 如果因重大事故或疾病导致无法正常工作,我们将获得持续性的月度赔付,以便维持正常生活、支付医护费用或康复费用等。
欢迎随时咨询,请拨打热线03 9621 1450或访问AFCG官网(www.ausfinancecg.com.au)联系我们。
4 Main Life Insurance Covers and Their Benefits
Personal or life insurance protects you from the financial risks following a loss or a debilitating medical condition.It will keep your assets safe, and your family free from financial distress. It means financial independence, reducing your reliance on the help of family relatives or friends when in need. Here are the four main life insurance covers and their benefits:
1.Life (death) When you are diagnosed with a terminal illness or pass away, this cover spares your family from the hefty costs of hospitalization or a loss. You will receive a lump sum to cover your immediate financial needs like funeral costs, debts, and ongoing household expenses. It will also serve as a replacement income to maintain your family’s lifestyle, send your kids to school, and pay for extra childcare or home services.
2.Total & permanent disability (TPD) Due to a serious medical injury or accident, the doctor clears you as unable to do manual work or a person with a total and permanent disability. You will get a payout to keep your lifestyle,fund medical treatment or rehabilitation, and pay your debts.
3.Trauma/critical illness If you’re diagnosed with a severe medical condition like cancer and stroke or undergo a risky procedure such as heart surgery, you can claim a payout. You will receive a tax-free lump sum to cover your medical treatment or rehabilitation and your family’s living expenses.
4.Income protection If unable to work due to an illness or injury, you don’t have to use up your savings. You will receive a payout in monthly installments to maintain a steady income stream so you can keep your lifestyle and pay medical and rehabilitation costs.
Life is simply irreplaceable. But with personal insurance, you can manage the financial implications of a loss or injury.
Talk to us today. Call 03 9621 1450 or visit www.ausfinancecg.com.au