<br /><br />thanks! 3个孩子在3个地方,怎么不满足条件呢? 除非加拿大再拒,可能澳洲才会网开一面。 家庭平衡测试是父母移民的基本条件,很难申请waiver。只有极少例外情况,比如境外的孩子已经去世,或者是难民,等等。具体看移民局的说明吧
http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/family/balance-family.htm 和其中一个女儿脱离亲属关系。 不知道这样算吗? 这么tricky的问题,不如直接写email给移民局问好了,就说你家现在情况是你父母biological有3 个孩子,但有一个声明和你父母脱离关系了,你们可以移民吗? 移民局的说明里面有写啊,你们自己说的不算,要有court order。
Children are not counted in the balance of family test if they:
- are deceased
- are removed from their parents' legal custody by adoption or court order
- are registered by the UNHCR as refugees and live in a camp operated by UNHCR
- live in a country where they suffer persecution or human rights abuse and cannot be reunited with their parents in another country. 唉。。怎么会有这种要求 不满足的 是啊,我看到了,就是想看看坛子里有没有人知道类似情况的