亮黑亮黑 发表于 2015-5-28 22:25:31


RT,听到各种说法,有的说早不行了,有的说还可以,还有的说是这次改政策了才不行的,到底哪个是正确答案?真心求靠谱高人解答<center><img style='max-width:90%;' src='data/attachment/forum/caiji/14385797241.jpg' /></center>

dhxmeidou 发表于 2015-5-29 10:22:08

帮您顶一个,自己也mark 学习一下

蟋蟀的帅 发表于 2015-5-29 18:20:31

Contributory parent visa holders

There might be limits on your sponsorship if:

&nbsp; &nbsp; you were granted a permanent Contributory Parent visa on or after 1 July 2009
&nbsp; &nbsp; you were in a partner relationship on or before the Contributory Parent visa grant date
&nbsp; &nbsp; and
&nbsp; &nbsp; your partner did not apply for the Contributory Parent visa at the same time as you, or they withdrew that application (before it was finalised).

The sponsorship could still be approved if:

&nbsp; &nbsp; 5 years have passed since your Contributory Parent visa grant date
&nbsp; &nbsp; your partner did not apply at the same time as you due to compelling reasons, (other than financial reasons)
&nbsp; &nbsp; your partner applied at the same time as you but withdrew their application for compelling reasons (other than financial reasons).

tuoeroo 发表于 2015-5-29 23:22:43

谢谢解答。那是否表示,如果没有compelling reason,就不能够只申请一个143?
这个compelling reason的要求又有多严格呢?打比方说,假如一家的两个老人家都已经退休了,他们的父母也不在了,小孩是独生子女在澳洲,是否就不可能找到什么compelling reason先只办一个?

kj0104 发表于 2015-5-30 02:01:04

没钱还不算compelling reason啊,什么都能克服,没钱总不能让人去抢吧

--sorry 我没看到那一条 other than financial reason

冭过兲眞. 发表于 2015-5-30 13:40:13

3楼copy的文字里面特地说了: (other than financial reasons)啊,没钱这个理由是不行的。那还有其他什么理由可以呢?(假设我上面说的那种家庭情况)

lyboy 发表于 2015-5-30 20:18:46

http://www.localau.com.au/bbs/f ... &fromuid=132772

The sponsorship could still be approved if:

&nbsp; &nbsp; 5 years have passed since your Contributory Parent visa grant date
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;your partner did not apply at the same time as you due to compelling reasons, (other than financial reasons)
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;your partner applied at the same time as you but withdrew their application for compelling reasons (other than financial reasons).


fgfvdfdfdf 发表于 2015-5-31 07:38:24

这个是从09年7月1号之后拿到143 PR开始的规定,要到今年7月1号之后才会有人按照上面的要求来申请配偶申请,期待成功的案例

1291424185 发表于 2015-5-31 13:37:59


w0x0000w0x 发表于 2015-5-31 23:27:27

页: [1] 2 3
查看完整版本: 求解答,现在到底还能不能一个parent办143,五年后另一个配偶移民了?