<br /><br />内部人士介绍南航国际航班只有阿姆线配幼儿安全带,其他都自己抱着。<br />如果这是真的的话,澳大利亚有相关规定吗,可以投诉吗<br /><br />有没有安全带啊,起飞降落小孩就抱着是吗<br /><br />au规定链接:<br />http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_92030<br /><br />得到回复是国际上没有强制实用,完全看航空公司<br /><br />CASA’s regulations covering Australian airlines require all passengers and crew to be secured with a seat belt during take-off, landing and at other specified times of flight. CASA recommends children are seated in approved safety seats. A lap-held infant must be restrained, but the adult seat belt must not be fastened around both adult and infant as this can cause serious problems in an accident or incident. In this case a loop belt can be used.<br /> <br />Currently there is not an international requirement for the restraint of children, so not all airlines will offer a loop belt. In this circumstance a child should still not be secured with the adult seat belt when on the lap. Discussions are underway at an international level on child safety to consider all these issues. 南航没有的。好像也没规定必须有安全带。 谢谢版主回答那能和大人系一起吗?还是只是用双手抱着
有没有规定不知道,我发了几封信在问有没有相关规定,中国民航没有规定不知道澳洲这边有没有 haibei要带宝宝回国了吗?宝宝多大了?
感觉坐飞机带孩子是个大工程啊。 想想就头大啊,是国内飞过来
我现在都糊涂了,到底起飞降落孩子如何系安全带啊 你宝宝终于要过来了啊,恭喜恭喜 CIVIL AVIATION ORDER 20.16.3 - 13 (2)
Carriage of Infants
When an infant is carried in the arms or on the lap of a passenger in accordance with subparagraph 13.2 (1) the seat belt, when required to be worn, shall be fastened around the passengers carrying or nursing the infant, but not around the infant.
Seat belts and safety harness
(1) Subject to this regulation, seat belts shall be worn by all crew members and passengers:
during take-off and landing;
during an instrument approach;
unless CASA otherwise directs when the aircraft is flying at a height of less than 1,000 feet above the terrain;
at all times in turbulent conditions.
CASA agrees that the CAO above may be construed as allowing an infant to travel unrestrained in an aircraft. However, CAR (1988) 251 states that all passengers must wear a seat belt at stipulated times throughout the flight.
CASA's Office of Legal Counsel has clarified that CAR (1988) 251 requires all passengers and crewmembers to be restrained, and the CAO merely stipulates that the restraint for a carried or nursed infant required by CAR (1988) 251 cannot be provided by the adult seatbelt. For the CAO to indicate otherwise would be contrary to CAR (1988) 251.
Given the clarification of the meaning of CAO 20.16.3, CASA requires all aircraft operators to ensure that infants are restrained effectively in accordance with CAR (1988) 251.
While CASA strongly advises the use of individual car type infants' seats in compliance with CAAP 235-2 (0) of March 1992, at the present time, use of the infant belly belt or other suitable alternatives is permitted for infant restraint.
The manner in which an operator achieves compliance with CAR (1988) 251 is for an operator to decide. 学者帮看看下面这段安全带的规定你给,看得我都阅读障碍了。
谢谢,倒数几段看的我云里雾里 就是说要有restraint, 但是不是大人用的那种安全带。 总之就是“at the present time, use of the infant belly belt or other suitable alternatives is permitted for infant restraint.“ 还有 "for an operator to decide“。所以很活。 看了鬼佬的一些论坛,说是最佳方案是买个座位,放个安全座椅