飞翔4700 发表于 2015-2-20 20:53:51

【更新 19-09-2014】我给Department of Education and Communities写的email - 分享给希望投诉cc的家长 也

<br /><br />--------------------------------------------更新-----------------------------------------------------<br /><br />过了好久都把这件事给忘记了,这周接到一个miss call,打回去才知道是Department of Education and Communities打给我了解情况的,基本上核实了一下我信上的内容,告诉我centre没有把我的complaint转到DEC去,这是不对的,她说从她的感觉上来说这个centre的确存在一些问题,所以决定要派人去临时抽查一下她们的情况,到时候可能还需要向我了解一些情况。感谢我提供的信息。云云。。。<br /><br /><br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />有点长,希望大家有耐心。我把我儿子的名字去掉了,都以my son代替,有点怪怪的,请见谅。<br />Dear Sir or Madam,<br /><br />I would like to inform you about my experience with my son's child care centre. Due to my work time, my parents were mainly in charge of dropping off/picking up my son. I've heard from them in many occasions that they felt staff members in my son's roomwere not friendly and they were ignored possibly because they couldn't speak English. <br /><br />On Wednesday 16th July 2014, I took my son to Croydon Oral Health Clinic for his dental appointment. Then around 10:45am, I sent my son to the child care centre. When we arrived, I only saw one educator in the classroom with 10 other children . I asked the educator why she was on her own. She said one was outside with some children and another one was in the office doing paperwork. I served my son his morning tea and other children came to talk to me. I saw a child with running nose and I asked him to get a tissue paper. The educator heard me but did not respond. A girl came up to me and handed me an empty water bottle. I asked her if she wanted more water. She said yes. I asked the educator whether I can get water for this girl. She told me that the water is in the kitchen. So I had to leave the room and get water for the girl. When I returned, I saw another educator in the room with her paperwork. So I called the girl and gave her the water bottle. Then I left to work. I believe the centre was out of ratio for the period from 10:45am to 10:55am.<br />In this case, I think the centre did not follow the following NQS:<br />Element 2.1.1 Each child’s health needs are supported.<br />Element 2.1.3 Effective hygiene practices are promoted and implemented.<br />Element 4.1.1 Educator-to-child ratios and qualification requirements are maintained at all times.<br /><br />On Tuesday 22th July 2014, my husband and I went to the centre to pick up my son around 4:10pm. When we arrived at the gate, we saw my son from outside the gate. He ran towards us and we found out that he had running nose. There were 2 educators within 2 metres of him but neither of them realized this. We had to get tissue paper and wipe his nose outside the gate for him. After we went inside, I checked the daily reflection book. However, it hasn't been updated yet. It was showing the Monday's reflection. I checked my son's portfolio, it was still untouched since last parent interview, which was 12th June 2014. It means that his portfolio was not updated for June and July. We went to get his bag and he asked for water bottle, which was in the class. It should be outside when the children were playing outside.I then was going to go outside to sign him out. I saw a boy walked into the room from the toilet by himself. I asked him why you were here by yourself. He looked puzzled and did not respond. I walked outside and passed the two educators. None of them said hi to me or made any eye contact. I felt as if I was transparent to them. They were talking to each other right next to me. I then returned to the room with my son. They didn't say bye to me or my son. There was no communication for my son's day during the whole pick up. We went home feeling unwelcomed. When my son got out of the car, he touched his bottom and said 'hurt hurt' in Mandarin. I checked his nappy and the poo was dried already and it stuck in his bottom. I was very upset and I called the centre. I talked with the room leader and I was told that his last nappy change was at 2:25pm. I said there should be someone check his nappy at least every 30 minutes rather than wait for 2 hours to check. She just said they were outside and she didn't smell anything. <br />In this case, I think the centre did not follow the following NQS:<br />Element 2.1.1 Each child’s health needs are supported.<br />Element 2.1.3 Effective hygiene practices are promoted and implemented.<br />Element 2.3.1 Children are adequately supervised at all times.<br />Element 6.1.3 Current information about the service is available to families.<br /><br />I made complaints to director Mandy and she was somehow defensive at first and she apologized afterwards and said she will bring the issues to staff meetings. I have given the centre 4 weeks notice to withdrawal my son because I feel that my son has not been taken good care of and the centre practices need to be improved according to NQS. I write this mail to you because I feel that I have responsibility to other children in the service.<br />

兔兔.Ser 发表于 2015-2-21 00:51:14

写的很好阿,发了再打个电话follow up, 确认拿到reference no,跟政府部门打交道打电话最有效。

wang8790599 发表于 2015-2-21 03:26:13


wangjun123 发表于 2015-2-21 14:51:37


郁蓝晴空 发表于 2015-2-22 01:30:01

加油 这个center好差劲啊

雨山-11 发表于 2015-2-22 06:11:37


mxs810 发表于 2015-2-22 16:12:55


上古科技 发表于 2015-2-22 18:57:24

楼主学Child care的么?这个幼儿园算是比较一般的。
不过实际情况就是如此,又得看孩子,又得写paper work,还有很多的清洁整理工作。小孩子不出什么大问题就行了。不会像child care书上写的那么美好的。

guojunhai 发表于 2015-2-22 22:04:01


双木林 发表于 2015-2-22 23:41:48

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查看完整版本: 【更新 19-09-2014】我给Department of Education and Communities写的email - 分享给希望投诉cc的家长 也