温柔的心酸 发表于 2011-7-10 02:23:50

这是我从TITAG上看的对话, 我觉得28天是移民官为雅思成绩要在考试后3-4周才能下来考虑的, 日期以考试日期为准,假如考试日期过了7.1 , 你就自己想想吧, 当然假如你不在乎那个2万块钱,非要以身试法,就请便了。

跪求 现在雅思还能后补吗 等审理到的时候再给雅思成绩?

怎么各方说法不一啊,有些说提交后28天就要给,有些说等审到你的时候才给, 但是移民局网站上以说清楚了要至少要提交后28天内就给雅思成绩啊, 谁能给个说法啊。 包括风险什么的,虽然以前有案子是申到才后补的,但是有多少人敢怎么做啊


geydv9254l 发表于 2011-7-10 04:56:35

7月1日 移民法修改,雅思不能后补了。


English Language Requirements, Berenguel “Reversed”
The 1 July 2011 - Points Test for Certain Skilled Migration Visas document, under the heading Better English levels, reads:
To claim points for proficient or superior English language, all applicants, including citizens of United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, the United States of America or the Republic of Ireland, will need to complete an English language test. The test must be completed before the visa application is lodged.
David Stewart, Program Director, General Skilled Migration, DIAC, has advised the MIA:
I have been advised there are Regulation changes on 1 July, which change the definition of Competent, Proficient, etc, English. This change effectively is a reversal of the position created by the Berenguel decision, as it is will be defined in the Regulation that the English test must have been conducted in the two years immediately preceding the date of the visa application:

(ii) the test was conducted in the 2 years immediately before the day on which the application was made;
This will mean that for applications lodged from 1 July the required International English Language Testing System (IELTS) / Occupational English Test (OET) results must be provided with the application; if not, the application must be refused. It is likely some applicants had been planning to lodge applications and provide test results later (although DIAC had not changed its view that Competent English was a Time of Application criterion).
Unfortunately this information was not included in the Roadshows. Information was posted on the web yesterday, advising tests must be completed prior to an application being made.

coaun6z50t 发表于 2011-7-10 07:09:39

与其用2万块钱豪赌,不如把钱用在考雅思上,够考10次了吧, 10次你还考不过4个7? 你在如此巨大的心里压力下去应付7月9日的雅思考试, 估计成绩会更差,真的,好好准备7月1日以后的新政策吧。

Endadewen 发表于 2011-7-10 16:52:07


蔚蓝 发表于 2011-7-11 04:00:22


练功房的闪灵 发表于 2011-7-11 06:05:06


Hoasheree 发表于 2011-7-11 14:52:55

你说的没错,但你的雅思成绩也必须是7.1以前考出来的,假如不这样控制,会有很多人在30号以前电签,然后7.1以后再去考试,移民局是傻子吗?一切以7.1为界限, 给你28天是考虑到7.1前考试成绩没出来的申请人,否则他们为什么只给28天而不是说明审到你前提交成绩。

speagc9y3 发表于 2011-7-11 18:07:06

再讲,这个28天,是指the date,这个date是哪一天?

yyfrl310ww 发表于 2011-7-12 04:01:42

Changes to the time of provision of evidence of English language ability – 2010There are new arrangements for the provision of evidence for English language ability.  Applicants for the following GSM subclasses have until the time of decision to provide evidence of their English language ability.

Skilled – Independent (Residence) visa (subclass 885)
Skilled – Sponsored (Residence) visa (subclass 886)
Skilled – Independent (Migrant) visa (subclass 175)
Skilled – Sponsored (Migrant) visa (subclass 176)
Skilled – Provisional (Regional Sponsored) visa (subclass 475)
Skilled – Provisional (Recognised Graduate) visa (subclass 476)
Skilled – Provisional (Graduate) visa (subclass 485)
Skilled – Provisional (Regional Sponsored) visa (subclass 487).
Applicants should not delay in providing their evidence of English language ability. The department will not delay finalising applications where English language test results have not been provided at time of application. (Applicants will have 28 days from the date of application to provide their English language results if they did not provide them at time of application). At this point in time, if evidence has not been provided the application will be refused.

http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... ion/whats-new.htm#s


gcwmvthq 发表于 2011-7-12 12:31:09


1. 如果有钱,也不在乎钱,特别想来澳洲,愿意花钱博一下,也无可厚非

2. 根据吹风会,至少移民局的政策几大中介已经知道了,那就是移民局已经明确说过了2011年7月1日后不能后补雅思,当然了,中国人特别喜欢每个字咀嚼个十几遍然后用自己的思维来理解,目前来说,这个说法至少指南针等都承认了,也就是7.1后不能后补雅思,不然移民局也没必要专门弄个吹风会说明情况

总体来说,由于各种可能依然存在,所以后补雅思,这个概率成功估计只有5%,如果澳洲绿卡的价值是 2万/5%=40万人民币,倒是依然赌一下的

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