审计工作准备移民 立贴啦! 4个7~~终于来啦~~~
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今天改了下标题,因为有同学提出我的原标题:“审计移民 立贴啦”被误认为是审计移民的帖子:) 呵呵呵<br />
首先感谢在 我前两个帖子热心回复的各位移友!!<br />
非常偶然的机会遇到 OZ,泡了1个月左右的论坛,对技术移民有了一些了解。真心感谢大家的分享! <br />
我LG事务所审计工作五年,本科为管理类,年龄30,1月就31岁了,有会计移民成绩单上正好有9门会计类要求的课程,但是并非学分制。准备申请外审auditor的职业认证。毕业10年,学校在10年间也是经过2次改名合并。现在没办法的是 当年的教科书都丢了,所以做课程概述真是束手无策啊,请有此类经验的筒子们给予指教该咋办?他大概5年前考了国内的注会,今年也完成了天朝与英国合作的英国注会ACA(考5门),正在申请办理ICAEW的会员。之前的帖子我问了这个问题,有移友说可能ICAA可能只认可考全科的通过的ACA,我老公前两天看了下网站好像说ACA承认ICAEW认可的会员,我俩的理解不知道有没有错误(与国内合作的通过考试的学员是可以申请ACA的正式会员资格,是不是就等于也是被ICAA承认呢)这个问题还请了解的朋友继续指教如果能贴下连接解释下就更好,谢谢。如果这个会员资格下来的话,想用ACA会员申请职业认证,那么学历学位成绩单是不是就不需要清华认证 只要公证就行了?但是还不知道这个ACA的会员申请要多长时间,英国是不是办事效率很低:(。我们准备做两手准备,11月中旬我们会回老家顺便去学校办一下成绩单的事情。我要考雅思4.5,我们有一个2岁的孩子,肚子里还有老二5月生。<br />
雅思还在准备中,要考4个7! 10月13日考了一鸭:L7.5 R6.5 W7 S6.5 下月会再考一次。<br />
我把问题再总结下,上面写的有点乱啊,还请大家不吝指教:) 再次谢过!!<br />
1.如果用本科学历进行外审的职业认证,也要写会计类的9门课程的英文课程概述么?<br />
2.当年不是学分制的课程怎么办,好像说要提供学分?当年的教科书都丢了,所以做课程概述有没有筒子们有类似经验的怎么解决的呀?<br />
3.这种合作的ACA会员有没有被ICAA认可的,已经过了职业认证的移友呢,请分享下吧:)<br />
4.被ICAA认可的其他机构的会员职业认证,如香港注会等,职业年是怎么定的,是以会员下来的时间计算工作年,还是以LG从事审计工作的工作证明来认定职业年呀?<br />
5.我家老二5月生 但是办户口很难,如果以上都一切顺利,看以前的移友分享帖说要提交孩子的护照,,没有户口护照办不了啊,请教请教经验分享!! <br />
我的问题好多,再次谢谢大家!!!!<br />
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3。不知道,咨询ICCA,但提醒一下,职业评估和会员评估是两码事,有可能你已经评成了ICCA full member,但是职业评估依然要各种材料折磨你;
If you're fully or partially recognised member
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Members of fully and partially recognised accounting bodies must submit all of the following documents with their application:
IELTS Academic Test Report Form (TRF) Number - this is evidence to show successful achievement of a score of at least seven (7) on each of the four (4) components - speaking, reading, listening and writing. For more information on this visit the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) website.
Letter of good standing (original) - this letter must be obtained from your accounting body and state that you are a current member in good standing. It should be no more than three months old from the date of application. (ICAEW members can obtain the required letter from the Professional Conduct Directorate)
Membership certificate (certified copy)
Examination results/mark sheets (certified copy) (including corresponding paper names) - (SAICA members are exempt from this requirement)
Current CV or brief employment history
Letter(s) of reference from employer(s) (certified copy) (members of MICPA only) - The letter(s) should detail the position held, tasks performed, start and finish dates and should indicate whether you were employed full or part-time.
Academic award (certified copy) - Degree/diploma certificate stating the title of the award, name of the awaiting institution, the year the degree was conferred and the grade achieved.
Statement of academic record (certified copy) - Statement of academic record (transcript) showing all subjects studied and grades received. Result slips or web results are not acceptable in lieu of the official academic record. A legend explaining the grading system must be included. If the university has granted you exemptions/advanced standing in any subjects, you will also need to enclose the documents on which the exemptions were based (e.g. TAFE diploma and academic record or result slips supporting cross-institutional study at another university)
http://www.charteredaccountants. ... y-recognised-member
据我所知,如果LZ夫妇二人不是独生子女的话生二胎是非法的。 也就是说,生下来后是黑户办不了护照。 如果二位有门路的话,此问题便可解决。至于具体解决的方法,我就不详细解说了。 要多上网看政策,政策吃透了,办法就来了。。。
感觉好像不用交课程描述,只要你是ICAEW的full member,成绩单,学位学历交交就好啦
先申请FULL MEMBERSHIP,不用课程描述了。连学位成绩单都不用了,有些协会是“认同有澳洲的会计学位”比如ACCA。你去官网上看看如果是认同的协会的话(CPAA是认的)貌似只要你协会的3样东西,直接就可以过了。
同行帮顶! LS说的对,LZ不用写课程描述了省了好多事儿啊。
首先发表感谢贴:今天一上来OZ发现好多朋友给我给我解答问题,谢谢你们的热心和帮助 !!!!