在提交ACS评估的时候,没有注意Software Programmer(261399)和Software Engineer(261313)的区别,结果杯具了, 填写了261399的代码, 最终也评估成了261399. 可是却不在职业列表之上,只能申请vic的州担保, vic目前也停止了。杯具一个接一个, 只好趁7.1之前重新评估了。<br />
根据这篇帖子<br />
上面提到的网址 ... conID=downloadforms, 我需要下载第二个表格:<br />
Application for Review of PASA 按照Change of ANZSCO occupation code原则进行重新评估。<br />
<br />
但填这表格时我遇到一些问题, 需要大家帮我看看, 以免再造成上次ACS的杯具:<br />
1. 下面的地址要求我的review材料递交到这个地方<br />
Submitting your application<br />
To lodge an application for review you must write under your signature (not by e-mail) to:<br />
Deputy Director<br />
PO Box Q534,<br />
Queen Victoria Building,<br />
Sydney NSW 1230,<br />
<br />
这个里面的 PO Box Q534是不是意味着我只能通过邮政寄送呀(邮政比较慢呀)<br />
<br />
2. 我用招行信用卡支付是不是填写以下几项就行了<br />
Card Number, Expiry Date, Cardholder Name,Visa(勾选此项)<br />
然后再加上我的签名就行了<br />
<br />
3. Previous Reference Number(s)填写我上次的ACS的Reference No, 那么ACS Membership Number我好像没有, 是不是不用填写了?
1. Application form – completed and signed. (Original form to be submitted. Photocopied versions will not be accepted)
2. Certified copy of your previous assessment letter
3. Certified copies of the original proof of change of name documentation (e.g. marriage certificate, government issued change of name documents), if applicable.
4. Additional documents to support your application.
5. Review Fee. The review fee is non-refundable.
第1个是申请表, 就是bg4cpx提供的网址下载的第二个表格
第2个是以前的申请结果信, 就是我刚刚收到的ACS评估结果的复印件
第3个是说 if applicable, 这个不是必须的, 而且我也不需要, 没有提供
第4个是Additioanl documents, 这个我不知道是什么,就自己简单的写了一下review的条件和原因:
Dear Sir /Madam,
According to Australia Computer Society ‘Application for Review of PASA’, I am eligible to review my assessment for the following reasons:
Firstly, I just change the ANZSCO occupation code.
Secondly, my original ACS assessment result date is 17 January 2011 according the result letter. Obviously, it is within 60 days of the date of the original assessment result letter.
Thirdly, I have not used the assessment outcome letter for Migration purposes.
Last, my position in the two companies, Chateau Corporation (Shanghai) and Cisco Systems (Shanghai) Video Technology are both Software Engineer. And I have five years experiences in C/C++ programming, which is suitable for applying Software Engineer (ANZSCO code: 261313). To see the details of my occupation please refer to my original ACS Assessment Application( Reference No: 525XXX).
It is very sad that I made a mistake on the ANZSCO code and nobody can give me a warning sign. The original nomination occupation code is not suitable for Skills Independent Immigration (Subclass 175) and it is not in the latest SOL for my application (I can not get 60 points according to the original ANZSCO code). So I have to review my ACS skills assessment.
I believe that my reasons are sufficient to support for the review application.
Sincerely yours,
5. 是申请费, 我用信用卡支付的
尤其是这个evidence of support, 我不知道该如何写好
To lodge an application for review you must write under your signature (not by e-mail) to:
Deputy Director
PO Box Q534,
Queen Victoria Building,
Sydney NSW 1230,
PO Box Q534
Queen Victoria Building
Sydney NSW 1230
Level 11, 50 Carrington Street
Sydney NSW 2000
可是ACS重新评估没有提供有, 是不是只能通过邮政呢
Deputy Director
Level 11, 50 Carrington Street
Sydney NSW 2000
我申请的时候好像也没有courier的地址,还是DHL的人说了PO box不能送才临时改成courier的。
我已经发了好几封邮件了, 没有一个有回音的
终于收到回音了, 但是没有什么有价值的信息
Dear applicant,
You may apply for a review. Please see our guideline on our website on how to submit review application.
Sincerely yours,
Miss Inge Kusumawati
Skill Administration Officer
Australian Computer Society Inc., National Office
ACS Level 11, 50 Carrington Street, Sydney NSW 2000
PO Box Q534 QVB, Sydney NSW 1230
这个似乎是个快捷的方式, 比较一下重新评估的地址和ACS评估的地址, 两个带PO BOX的地址几乎一样, 应该可以用Courier的地址进行快递