社会病态 发表于 2013-11-18 01:32:20


lhuhua3096 发表于 2013-11-18 05:10:44


月光媚 发表于 2013-11-18 08:40:18


梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-11-18 14:49:04


梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-11-18 19:35:38

是的 国内律师

nmmx64wr 发表于 2013-11-18 20:11:15

1. 公司倒闭这种情况,如果非要加上抬头,是要用原公司的抬头(网站、电话等都已经失效),还是用推荐人公司的抬头,网上众说纷纭,没有定论。
2. 我查了一些文件,比较理想的是做Statutory Declaration,不过如何做,国内要什么人来见证,我搜遍了localau,也没有找到有用的信息,不知道您有没有这方面的经验。
3. VET目前为止,还没有联系我要补交资料,我在想是不是主动联系VET说明一下情况,然后重新提交一下这份工作的推荐信?
4. 即使VET通过了,后期elodge提交资料的时候也需要推荐信,担心没有抬头的推荐信CO会不认可。


r8dhyuux1d 发表于 2013-11-19 07:09:36


梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-11-19 16:00:32

Appendix C
Statutory Declaration
If you are unable to obtain a Statement of
Service from your employer you should
submit a Statutory Declaration. This is a
written statement declared to be true in the
presence of an authorised witness. This
should be verifiable and be supported by
other evidence of your employment.
The Statutory Declaration – must include the
following details:
the full name and address of the
company and any telephone, fax
numbers, email and website addresses
the name and position of your direct
superior and a contact number for them
details of the exact period of employment
• whether permanent or temporary
• whether full-time or part-time
• position(s) held - positions should not
be described by generic titles (for
example, research officer, public
servant) but according to the nature
of the duties undertaken (for example,
research chemist, accounts clerk)
• the main five (5) duties undertaken,
and the salary earned
• The reason why you cannot obtain a
statement from the employer.
Please note that a Statutory Declaration is
compulsory if you are unable to obtain a
statement from your employer, and must be
supplied as part of your evidence. It is
important to note that under the Statutory
Declarations Act 1959 a person who wilfully
makes a false statement in a statutory
declaration is guilty of an offence and may
be fined or jailed, or both.
You can find out more about statutory
declarations at www.ag.gov.au/statdec

清澈海洋 发表于 2013-11-19 20:36:16

楼主,麻烦问一下,我的专业是HR Adviser  2013年7月中旬提交的VET, 也做了point test  现在评估下来了,发现被减了年限,中介说是因为学历的缘故, 因为我第一学历是大专,05年毕业,从06年开始做HR。后来续了个在职本科,2011年1月拿到毕业证和学位证,专业也是HR 。坑爹的VET只认证了2011年1月到现在的工作经历,这样导致我的洲担保分数不够了。

梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-11-20 04:28:18


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