lqmh9036 发表于 2013-11-25 01:08:24

等了4个月,认证终于完成了。刚才查了下结果是positive,但是还没有拿到最终的书面结果,请问楼主positive就是指qualification&employment都positive呢?还是只有qualification是positive? 因为当时我担心自己本科的专业和职业没有highly relevant

梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-11-25 02:04:30

是指你的情况 符合提名该职业positive

to04ll26 发表于 2013-11-25 12:47:56

楼主我想问一下,在SRG1的appendix B里面对工作推荐信的要求有以下两段:
- be from your supervisor or the manager of the human resources department – references from colleagues at the same level or below are not suitable
- be signed by an authorised person whose name and position is typed or stamped below the signature – a signature which cannot be identified will not be accepted

梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-11-25 15:32:04


owuj4875 发表于 2013-11-26 00:28:30


3ghero 发表于 2013-11-26 07:52:56


梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-11-26 17:54:50

还在准备哇 加油!

全国农资展 发表于 2013-11-26 23:41:39

楼主,vet要求个人简历的competencies不能简单罗列,而要举例说明(原文是this may also expand on the detailed tasks in your application form, these competencies should be verifiable from your references and employment,并举了个例子说instead of just"sales", this could state what your actual results were with sales, "increased sales of x product by 30% in my region by using online marketing campaign")
      但我觉得一举例说明,那就和5 main tasks里的内容重复了啊?我理解个人简历里对competencies的举例是写成“在XX项目中使用了XX技能,取得了XX成果”,那我在推荐信的5 main tasks里面也是介绍自己做了XX项目,用了XX方法或技能,达到了XX效果。我不明白这两者有啥区别啊。。。

梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-11-27 00:10:13

推荐信 只写responsibility和参与的关键项目
简历 里面详细说明

小泉纯七狼 发表于 2013-11-27 01:35:10


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