最难缠钉子户 发表于 2011-2-4 12:41:44

首先,在写这个题目是我就发觉了一个问题,所以说这题目会变态。因为题目中的in addition to有除。。以外的意思,也有加上的意思。一旦领会错误,文章就完全可能写成相反的意思而跑题到天花板。

eg1. be it completing higher education  查了很多资料。Be it....中的 be 是古英语虚拟语气的遗留形式.Be it 是谓语提前的倒装用法.it 是形式主语. 这里不指代具体某个词, 某件事.这里 Be it 可译为: (正)是(由于, 因为),不知道是否正确。

eg2. 爱莫能助


62gyhujhv9 发表于 2011-2-4 15:55:13

几个地方逻辑不清,而且对题目的理解似乎有误。问的是对于学各种科目和专门单一的科目之间的利弊,和开头的professional major还是有很大的区别的。specialized 不一定是professional.

ghs438ezcn 发表于 2011-2-4 20:59:54


木偶-声音 发表于 2011-2-5 08:14:18

我的基础不好,但是看到楼主的方法是不错的。我感觉练雅思其实不在量多,而在质。还有一点,是我最近的心得:看完英文文章后,你要真正明白文章里面的意思,而不是相当然自己以为是的意思。我想英语中有很多idiomatic expressions,collocation and grammatical sentences.做为母语不是英语的人而言,如果不知道意思很容易错误的理解。我的老师曾经说过,“garbage in, garbage out"


最难缠钉子户 发表于 2011-2-5 12:57:35

晕了 ,问了我的英文老师,原来是我对第二十四篇题目理解有误,重新写一遍 。
The twenty-sixth essay

University students are more focus on specialistic subjects in nowadays. Some people think universities should encourage students to study at a range of subjects in addition to special area. Do you agree?


As versatile human resources are increasingly heavy demanded for national development in this day and age, people start to argue that universities should encourage students study not only specialistic subjects but also other range of subjects. Undoubtedly, students study a range of subjects is certainly beneficial to them and helpfully promotes the national development as well.

First and foremost, undergraduates study diverse subjects in particular some subjects related their major will enable them rapidly adjust themselves to their career in the future. Via participating those diverse courses, students will acquire abundant useful knowledge related their major. Likewise, attending academic courses will strengthen their academic foundations and allow them to study more deeply on their special areas. As a consequence, they will have sufficient capabilities to adapt quickly to their career in the future.

Additionally, learning a range of subjects would make students versatile. Indeed, various courses are including diverse knowledge on different areas. Similarly, students will expand their outlook through learn those courses. As nowadays there are always heavy demands for versatile human resources by enterprises, students who well-rounded would be superior to their peers to win the decent positions.

However, undergraduates might not attach importance to their major when they study diversity. Because students have not enough time to take many classes during their school days, they could choose some classes they preferred and disregard their major. But that might not be reality, as currently qualifications have been important to graduates to seek jobs.

Summarily, In my point of view, because of reasons I mentioned above, I agree with that universities should encourage undergraduates to study diverse subjects besides professional area.

最难缠钉子户 发表于 2011-2-5 15:53:35


最难缠钉子户 发表于 2011-2-6 01:25:55


最难缠钉子户 发表于 2011-2-6 03:19:11

garbage in, garbage out说的很有道理。

劲舞绝望 发表于 2011-2-6 03:40:31


南洋双喜 发表于 2011-2-6 06:32:43


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